Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I miss the idea of Kasich/Graham 2016....

Let’s take Donnie out of the equation and ask this question “would any of the other GOP Candidates far better against Hillary?” Of course there will be immediate knee jerk reaction bias response but seriously sit back and truly think about it.

To begin to even think about it, I have to list all the 16 candidates minus Donnie that were around for the first debate on August 6, 2015. So here we go

1. Jeb(!) Bush
2. Dr Ben Carson
3. Gov Chris Christie
4. Sen Ted Cruz
5. Carly Fiorina
6. Gov Gilmore
7. Sen Lindsey Graham
8. Gov Mike Huckabee
9. Gov Pyush Bobby Jindal
10. Gov John Kasich
11. Gov George Pataki
12. Sen Rand Paul
13. Gov Rick Perry
14. Sen Marco Rubio
15. Sen Rick Santorum
16. Gov Scott Walker

Just looking at that list, one can understand how the GOP ended up with Donnie. It’s a large list of has-beens and never was candidates. And I truly can’t remember Gov Gilmore in attendance as well but we’ll keep him

Automatically we can delete Gilmore, Perry, and Pataki because they never truly had a shot of going far, so they’d eliminated by the second debate. And as the debates rolled on, I can personally eliminate Huckabee and Santorum as their traction was based on the Christian Right fandom along with Jindal and Walker as they shot themselves in the foot out of the gates but stuck around more on ego.

What’s leave us: Jeb, Carson, Christie, Cruz, Carly, Graham, Kasich, Paul, and Rubio let’s say by Easter 2016. That’s a decent accomplished crew, minus the fact that Cruz, Rubio and Paul had yet to really do anything as freshman senators, but still they played well during debates.

Plus there’s no lie concerning Jeb’s bank account, the Tea Party love for Cruz and Paul would push them further to May. Soon the list would dwindle due to funds drying up or media attention starvation leaving Jeb, Cruz, Paul, Kasich and (I’ll say it) the Southern Belle Lindsey Graham.

Go ahead and laugh but as the primaries rolled on, Graham and Kasich were sitting damn good in the Media spotlight.

By the time the GOP convention rolled into Cleveland I truly believe the best two to debate Hillary would’ve been Graham and Kasich. Kasich appealed to many RINO’s and BLUE DOGS, yes those damn moderates, but Graham’s appeal, outside of his constant ISIS gloom, was his many years in office and his Southern likability

A Graham/Kasich or Kasich/Graham ticket would be far less flamboyantly juvenile then the current ticket of Trump/Pence (I miss the original TP 2016 icon) but is damn well more deserving then anything Jeb(!)/ ? would produce


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