Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A new era has begun… too offend & defend

Thus it has begun, what was once offensive now becomes defensive or vice verse as the partisan politicos dig their trenches and strengthen their keyboard bravery for the next 4 years. Somewhere Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow are getting fitted for their war kilts, reading the political battle maps and puckering up to blow on their political bagpipes.
Wait what am I saying, Rachel Maddow would never wear a kilt (dress).

I admit I am not a fan of celebrity Donald Trump, never was and probably never will be. Now as President Donnie, hey if he does something I agree with I will give him applause as well as give him heat in disagreement. And after the first week, he is batting a respectful .300 with me. Honestly if I agree/disagree 100% with a President and/or one party that means I am not listening and unfortunately that’s part of the issue with the voting electorate, they don’t listen.

No scratch that, they listen but only to the partisan talking heads they are tuned in to and it’s they who determine the good/bad.

With that said, he is the legal POTUS and I will respect the office. I was not a complete fan of Obama or Bush43; I liked Bush43 a wee bit more then Gore, but I still voted for Kerry because of “alternative facts” by the admin. Yes I voted for Obama twice because I couldn’t trust McCain especially with Palin and Romney just had that wimp factor that plagued Bush41 even though I have respect for Speaker Ryan.

Confusing ain’t it?

Yes I will call him President Donnie, just as I called President Bush43 “W” from time to time and lord knows that annoyed many of my friends on the Right. I will call him President Donnie just as I called President Obama the “Big O” which received chuckles from both sides of the aisle, but let the interpretation of “Big O” be that for you to interpret.

But after the first week the luster is beginning to wear off. No not from President Donnie but from the annoyance of “respect the authority” from the Right. Yes of course people should because so many on the Right did for the past 8 years as well. OK yes the Left had little respect under 8 years of Bush43 but that was in response to the lack of respect by the Right for Pres Billy and ..and…. oh I give up.. People just need to grow the F*ck up.

President Donnie is nowhere near President Reagan and I so hate that comparison, especially after only one week. But I would say after Week #1, he is closer to imitating President Teddy Roosevelt, he just lacks that conservatism activist TR was known for yet makes up for it in the grandiose persona and ever running mouth.
Hey they both are/were knee jerk reactionist and thankfully TR didn’t have a FB/Twitter feed.

For all of the pompous narcissistic egomaniacal temper tantrum claims the partisan Right placed on Obama, their Left counterparts have equally placed on Donnie. The only difference is that Donnie’s gang, namely Ms Kellyanne Conaway has stated that those pundits that mocked Donnie should be fired.

Talk about being a snowflake. Does someone need a safe spot or a woobie?

Look I ain’t crazy about Executive Orders at any level, but I admit I like the EO’s on Lobbying, Freezing the Federal workforce, Increasing border security (minus the ‘Wall’), Strengthening the Military, ISIS, and Made in USA Pipelines. Those are pretty simple and broad, but just because I say I like doesn’t mean I’m in full agreement. Yes I’m still out on the TPP, NAFTA, Dakota pipeline, and reorganizing National Security Council. Hey if Steve Bannon gets a seat then so should I.

Yet it comes down to the disposition of Donnie. I’m positive when the cameras and reporters aren’t around he’s kicking back with a Coke, eating a cheeseburger while watching re-runs of Roseanne with the family. He needs to stop the gloating and move on. Everyone knows you won the Electoral College and that’s the count that matters. However he’s an image guy and I have yet to hear anyone call him a loser for finishing second in the popular vote. A good guess as to why Donnie is bringing up the "illegal voter cost me the popular vote" argument may have to coincide with his Southern border & Deportation talk so come 2020 he might not lose the popular vote again.

Yes four more years of Liberty Valance delusional fawning parasitical sycophants of supporters that are convinced that everything they do not agree with is fake news. Oh Boy!

That’s it, slap the political tab and join us at our new home: politicallybrewed.com. It’s our little place of political heaven (or hell) that offers featured headlines, news from the Left and Right, all my blogs and much more to come.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My call for a National ID movement?

I admit that my fellow co-workers and I partake in many strange oddly humorous conversations in the office too which I am not always the ringleader. Sports, movies, food, and of course politics may run the daily gambit in an agreeable manner that would make O’Reilly and Stewart vomit. There’s a certain decorum and opinionated respect that our society has lost that works with my co-workers, but then again we’re usually shooting rubber bands across the office in attempt to break one’s concentration.

During a recent rubber band battle the conversation broke from the mountainous amount of college bowl games and how ESPN has savaged college football to the Russian hacking of US elections. Now we’ve agreed that Russia did not hack our voting machines even though Media has tried to persuade everyone as such. We’ve concluded that the “hacking” goes beyond the description of the word, and yes, Russia did attempt to influence the outcome which is no different than our own government has done worldwide for decades.

Gotta love cubicle political talk.

But as we joked about vodka induced Bolsheviks hiding in Northern Siberia punching their Commodore 64, the topic changed to those who did not vote and how the “dead” were still more patriotic by voting. OK, kinda sort of appeared to vote, but the topic led into a Voter ID discussion that turned into sales pinch for National ID.

I’ve had a belief in a National ID card for an extremely long time. Hey we’re a nation of convenience; everything must be simple so why not have one card that has everything from your Driver’s License to Passport to Health/Medical info scanned to it.

Now some may say I’m talking about the “REAL ID” from a few years back, well it’s that and much much more.

A quickie reminder for those who do not remember what “REAL ID” was about. Way back in 2005, the House passed the “REAL ID” Act in response to help secure the nation after 9/11. Basically it was a glorified Driver’s License, yet after it passed it went nowhere because many States tabled the idea as they did not want to force their residents to have to pay for reissuing a new card.
When I say glorified Driver’s License, I’m not lying. Your current DL carries simple info: Full name, Address, Birth date, Gender, DL#, Photo and Signature. However the REAL ID had that info plus valid Birth Certificate, Social Security # and proof of Legal Citizenship/Temporary residence.

Too me, that ain’t good enough. Why not add more like North American Passport, Medical and Health info, Voter ID, hell even Conceal/Carry license?

Don’t cry about corruption or “big brother” databases when the majority of people already have their credit card info on the iPhone to quickly pay for their Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino Blended Coffee so they don’t have to fumble for change or a credit/debit card and remember or snap-chatting while squatting over a diseased toilet at their local restaurant on a dinky unsecured guest “wifi.”

Here’s a hypothetical. Image if you’re pulled over by the police and the officer runs your National ID card, he can know immediately if; you’re on medication, have a health issue such as Autism or pacemaker or even have a Concealed/Carry permit. That officer could then determine why you might be acting irrationally and handle the situation with a bit more caution.

Now I stated North American Passport because anyone who has traveled north/south of border knows what a pain it can be, especially heading south. Traveling to either Canada or Mexico can determine close to 4 different types of passports and other vital info.

Hell just traveling to Canada you’ll need 1 of 4 types of passports and that depends on the mode of transportation but if a resident of Washington, Michigan, Vermont, or New York all you need is an Enhanced Drivers License.

Heading to Mexico is a different issue as time limits and mileage come into play. If you’re crossing the border by vehicle as a tourist for less than 72 hours and staying within 18 miles of the border, you’re free to travel. However going beyond the “18/72” by car or plane well get a Passport card and possible Passport book (depending on destination) or you got some ‘splainin’ to do! And good gravy if it’s business travel you need a Passport book plus special forms on you at all times for 30 days only. And don’t even ask what you need if you plan on staying longer.

Can’t we just have easier means of verification?

Here’s the kicker, while I was selling this National ID plan I had to remember that the folks I work with are a mix of: politically Conservative or Independent, concealed/carry card holders, former military and a few millennial too which all liked the notion. Damn I need to run for Congress.

I understand a National ID is a pipe dream and honestly an easier way to fix Voter ID fraud is a simple digital thumbprint since many feel a form of Voter ID is an infringement on ones privacy and voting right.

That’s it, slap the tap on some Dirty Dog Brew and don’t forget to show some ID at the door