Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Presidential Campaign 2016- Pink (GOP) Elephants on Parade

Since the clock struck midnight on Nov 4th, 2014, Media immediately started their “2016 countdown” clock to a huge crop of hopefuls, wannabe’s, has-been contenders to battle Hillary Clinton come Nov 8th 2016. And the choices thus far, well, are the expected bunch since Election Day 2012.

Look at this way, at least everyone can recycle all their 2008 Hillary Clinton promos. We’ll discuss Hillary’s entitlement of the Oval Office since 2008 on the next blog. But today, it’s all about the GOP baby and as hard as it might be for many to fathom, there are many in 2016 I’m keeping an open mind for.


But as we wait with baited breathe, we’ve been stuck in the muck for the past few months of “breaking news” of this or that candidate “forming an exploratory committee” too see if they have the popularity to make such a run. All the while, padding their newly formed PAC’s with donor dollars as high as can be.

Thank you Citizens United!

As par for the course of the past 14 years, the GOP seems to be the party with the deepest roster of presidential candidates and what appears to be their election win. But then again so was 2008 and 2012, and somehow they manage to bungle the big show only to perform an autopsy of sorts that may have educated them as to went wrong.

Currently there are about 20 contenders for the GOP, some familiar faces, some fresh faces and the majority *sigh* are just there because someone patted them on the butt and said “you can do it.

Familiar names and faces such as Senators Teddy Cruz, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio are mixed with current Governors Chris Christie, Scott Walker and John Kasich followed by the “formers” of Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Piyush “Bobby” Jindal, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum that many consider to be GOP Group “A” of the crop.

Although I’m not sure how Senator Graham could be considered part of Group A but we can see how that works out in the coming months. And yes, Huckabee, Santorum and Perry have a huge following to keep them in Group “A” standings.

It’s the GOP Group “B” that normally steals major headlines come primary season. Names of Dr Ben Carson, Rep Peter King, current Governors Mike Pence and Susan Martinez, the “formers” of Gov George Pataki, HP CEO Carly Fiorina, UN Ambassador John Bolton and then there’s TV Personality Donald Trump that are floating in the shallow end of the political cesspool.

And of course there are the few that are still hanging their hopes that Willard “Mitt” Romney will change his mind and go for a third campaign run.


But it’s all gonna come down to who can lead the headlines the most. I’ve repeatedly stated Romney wasn’t the true choice of the GOP in 2012, just the last man standing in the field. Media on both sides of the aisle helped set that up.

We’ve already have been inundated with the hype of those that have announced in April and there’s whispers of more to come in May. But is it just jumping the gun to eventually get drowned out by those that linger to step up on their soapbox? Or will those that have stamped their campaign tickets early will fizzle out with Media and become partisan fodder with rookie mistakes?

We could spend a good hour only talking about a specific policy idea by each candidate, yet it seems they’ve been focused on just blasting Hillary, knocking ACA, eventual war with Iran and telling everyone why they are the one while the others suck.

Seriously, Huckabee seems to have the “Bubbha” vote all to himself while Fiorina is truly only concerned with a workers platform. Oh not American workers, but that of revised HB1 VISA credentials so American business can hire more foreign workers so business wouldn’t have to pay benefits.

Or about how Rubio, Jindal, Santorum, and Cruz feel about “gay marriage” and whether or not they would enjoy pastries from the cookie table if they attended a gay wedding reception. (Note: If you haven’t been to or had a wedding with a cookie table, you’re missing out.)

So far the “Freshmen 3” of Paul, Rubio and Cruz have announced their intention and now we’ve been told the upcoming expositions scheduled for Carson (May 4), Huckabee (May 7) and Fiorina (May 7) are just around the corner.

Only Cruz’s announcement was met with great flair with a few dogs and ponies as well. Oh come on, he’s announcement was well rehearsed, just like any Obama engagement. Sorry but when you have to practice a “celebratory kiss” with your wife; I wonder who the puppeteer above the stage is.

Honestly, I like less theatrics and more of the candidate. And hearing about how Paul’s intentions were rounded out shortly after he won his Senate seat back in 2010, I would figure he’d have less people introducing him and instead have a few balloon artist on stage performing their skills as substitute for sign language.

Rubio, not to be outdone brought forth such a lackluster announcement that even “Mr Excitement” Tim Pawlenty was jealous of the blandness to be viewed.

Paul and Rubio’s announcements were rather pedestrian in nature compared to Cruz, but significant by all means, as the “Freshmen 3” is now fighting for the affection of the very people who placed these first term Senators in DC, the Tea Party.

I do find humor that the Conservative Media has built the “Freshmen 3” just as the Liberal Media created the aura of Obama. If there’s one thing for certain, as much as the Con-talking Media hype machine loves to slap Obama as a non-experienced freshman senator built up by the Libby Media as the next great thing, they have done the same in the “Freshman 3.”

Young, energetic, well spoken, well educated, minority background, and oops, sorry Paul doesn’t fall under the last category. But most importantly just like Obama, Rubio and Cruz have the worse attendance/voting records in the Senate.

Mirror images, well that’s in the eye of the voters and words of the partisan talkers spewing fictional fact.

But it’s early and Media is happy with finding silly little nuggets of disinterest to provide the public as distraction. So pay attention to any flip-flops that will be considered “revision” per the campaigns over the ongoing months.

OK, that’s it, Slap the Political Tap, put on your $140 knock off rebranded “Rand (Ray) Ban” sunglasses and call the bank for a loan to cover your Presidential 2016 campaign bar tab. It’s gonna be a long nauseating campaign.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

When “tolerance” leads to acceptable “intolerance”; Hey Christians, it’s not all about you

The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” – President John Adams Treaty of Tripoli 1797

My guess is that if President Adams were alive today, he would be shocked if he heard that as of a March 14 poll conducted by Public Policy Polling that 55% of those polled believed that the US was/has been a Christian nation or that 57% of Republicans feel the US should officially become a Christian nation.

Oh wait, he wouldn’t care because technically Republicans didn’t exist during his term.

So that was then and this is now, when we bicker and debate about everything government, pointing fingers and raising voices as to who is right/wrong and how that person’s belief is always on trial.

The debate that has been hotly contested for the past 12 days is given thanks to Indiana’s RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) law that has been poorly defended by Indiana Gov Mike Pence. Face it Gov Pence made this worse then it should’ve been by sadly trying to protect the law (and his governorship dignity) on the Sunday talk show circuit and failing with every “hm” and “um” when not answering the simplest of questions.

Social Issues are the biggest wedge driven into today’s social/political divide, especially when it comes to religion. Sides are being taken on issues from Sex, Birth Control/Abortion, and Pregnancy, as many feel “Christians” are being persecuted with every whack of the spike by the social hammer. This past week’s events in Indiana have proven to be the latest and heaviest smack thus far.

Indiana’s got the right idea! The Indiana House voted this week to approve a religious freedom bill that would protect business owners who want to decline to provide services for same-sex marriages. After the 63 to 31 House vote in approval of the legislation, The Washington Post says Governor Mike Pence plans to sign it as soon as it lands on his desk. Thanks to those in government who are standing up for the freedom and protection of Christians to live out their faith. I hope more states will be quick to follow suit” - Franklin Graham

But understand that any RFRA law is not inclusive to Christians, so get over yourself and that belief. Unless naming Christians specifically, these laws are for everyone; Catholic, Jew, Muslim, Wiccan and so on. So please step down from your golden soapbox or at least make room for everyone to pitch their bitch complaint.

Oh that goes for the LGBT and Atheist groups as well. You’re not as special or innocent in opposition/opportune action either.

The constant Media loop of business’ denying flowers/cakes for LGBT weddings, to me, is nothing more than ratings grabs by ALL media, it’s just on how that media source edits and plays the story to warrant one’s emotional response.

Everyone knows the story of how ABC57’s Alyssa Marino walked into the Memories Pizzeria and asked owner Mrs. O’Connor the simple question of “How do you feel about Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act?”

So let’s stop here and think about this; you have the right to freedom of speech but you must take responsibility for what you say. In this case, Mrs. O’Connor could’ve simple said “no comment” and asked Ms Marino to leave her establishment or do as she did and answered the question. No gun held to her head, no barging/banging on doors for an answer, no nothing. Question asked & question answered.

A story that was truly not a story until it went viral on Social Media and other media outlets now has the O’Connor’s in hiding and shuttering their pizza shop due to backlash from opposition. As for Ms. Marino reporting, well she too has received her share of backlash. Trust me, she’s not receiving a Pulitzer or national media contract for the report.

As upset as people can be about RFRA laws, they’ve been around for decades. Nothing new here, move along move along, this isn’t the fracas you’re looking for. Oh only if that were true because even though a federal RFRA was signed in 1993, the state governors and/or state legislators are taking matters into their own hands to protect or unprotect the masses.

Jefferson’s Virginia Statue for Religious Liberty, which many scholars consider a precursor to the First Amendment, guaranteed religious freedom for everyone, Christian and non-Christian

The notion to deny service to an individual due to their sexual preference should lend more for Protection of Privacy laws as well, not just RFRA laws.

Could one imagine walking into a restaurant to eat and state “Excuse me, we’d like a table for four and preferably not have a Lesbian waitress, thank you.”

What about two businessmen having lunch? Should they be questioned before being seated at a restaurant if they were a couple or just business associates?

As stupid as it sounds, yes oh yes it can/could/would happen at the rate of society’s downward spiral.

Too often, Media will refer to the June 2013 lawsuit by a gay couple from the Denver/Lakewood area that sued a bakery for discrimination because they were refused a wedding cake as “persecution of Christian belief” yet with little notice will skip over the article from January 2015 about another Denver area bakery that refused to decorate a cake in anti-gay theme and is being sued for discrimination received very little notice.

Strangest thing however, the Denver bakery that refused to bake the anti-gay cake, did offer some sort of service to the potential client; they offered to bake the cake at cost but would give them all the decorating tools/frosting for free. So technically, they were still offered services, but refused the offer. So who’s protecting this business right to refuse service for ignorance/bigotry?

I’ll take the heat for my simple belief that any business can refuse service to anyone for whatever reason they feel necessary, because I know damn well there’s a business that wants my money and patronage.

A business has a “no concealed weapons” policy? Fine go find a business that’s more suited to your needs.

A restaurant has a “no children under 8” policy? Fine go find a restaurant that wants your business.

A bakery or flower shop has a religious belief, so be it, go to a business that wants your business.

We have become such a whiney “me me” society that we’ve become so overly sensitive that at some point we went from being “politically correct” to “politically incorrect.” People have become excited to place a person/business into an uncomfortable corner to get their way. And if they don’t get their way they immediately go to Social Media to hold their breath and throw a temper tantrum.

Here’s the proverbial throne in the side that will creep into many courthouses within the next few years due new/revised RFRA’s; Sharia Law can now be allowed/accepted because many of the RFRA’s protect individuals, not just business as both are seen as equals.

Or the simple argument that a religion cannot be imposed on someone.

So as this debate will go on for another week because, well the Media lifecycle normally last 10-14 days for a particular story, many can all go back to the old argument about religious indoctrination in our public school system. Actually let me rephrase that to religious indoctrination (other than Christianity) in our public school system.

Because believe it or not, yes someone has a lawsuit about their young child being taught yoga in public school and it violates her child’s religious rights because teaching yoga promotes Hinduism and represses Christianity.

You can’t make this stuff up.

That’s it, slap the political tap on some “Out-Haus” Ale, sit back and enjoy while you pay the tab. And no I am not discriminating against non-drinkers.. Get over yourself already, it's not always about you!